Friday, January 3, 2014

Race to the End

Well hello everyone!

I've kind of been M.I.A. for the last few months (or more).
Life was seriously so crazy this last semester.
I was taking 15 credit hours of class, working 20 hours a week, 
and being a wife and mom on top of that. 

It nearly killed me. And I nearly gave up.
But then I decided I was too close to the end of my schooling to give up.

I made it through the semester after many agonizing days (weeks, months, etc.) of
not enough sleep, time, or energy to get everything done.
Some days I thought I was losing my mind.
(Some days I really think I did).
Some days I cried.

The only reason I made it through was because Heavenly Father is all-knowing 
and all-loving and put people in my life to get me through.

These angels:
*my husband
*my sweet Kaiya (believe it or not)

*countless selfless and kind babysitters who also have busy lives of their own

I could never do anything I have accomplished without them.
And for one more semester (just one more!),
I will be relying on them again.

For just one more semester, my life will be unbelievably busy with
15 hours of work, 15 hours of internship, and a 3 credit class every week.

But I can do this! And it will be so worth it!
When things get tough this semester, I think I will just ponder about
how amazing it will feel to walk across the stage at graduation and say,
"I did it. I got married, had a baby, and graduated from college--all within 3 years."

Was it crazy? You bet your bottom dollar.
Was it worth it? Wait 'til you see my smile at graduation. :)

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