Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tired and Teething

So, the past couple of days have been reeeeallly hard.

I haven't gotten anything done that I need to do to get ready for finals.

I have a final on Tuesday that I haven't been able to study for
and I literally have no idea what will be on it!

I have gotten maybe 2 hours of decent sleep in the past two days.

My house is a disaster.

Can you tell I'm a little stressed...and tired?
I am.

Part of why I haven't been able to get anything done or get any sleep
is because Kaiya has just started teething.

Poor thing.

Just yesterday she started to get sick and drool everywhere
and today she has been miserable most of the day.
She just wants to snuggle up to mommy,
which is something I absolutely love,
but it makes it difficult to study for finals or clean my house
or eat or anything really.

Sometimes, being a mom is really hard and really exhausting.
It's on these difficult days that I like to watch this and this.

These videos remind me why I chose to have a family and be a mother.
I love being a mommy.
Even though it is difficult at times, it brings me so much joy
and is so rewarding.

Life is hard, but God is good and helps me through these times.


  1. Aww poor baby and poor mommy!! Hope her teething will get better soon so she can be her happy self again.

  2. You will get through it. I had to do the same thing when Ginny was teething when she was that age while in school. Good luck...also try hyland's teething tablets they are all natural to help with the pain.


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