Thursday, September 26, 2013

Part of Being a Mom

Part of being a mom is realizing that the time your little girl is
"little" goes by way way way too quickly.

Part of being a mom is realizing that not too long ago
your little girl was totally dependent on mommy and daddy.

She only drank the milk I provided for her,
Only got around by being carried, and
Couldn't clearly communicate her wants and needs.

Now, my little girl is running around, collecting rocks,
exploring trash cans, eating everything, calling Joshua "dada,"
"reading" books, kissing dolls, attempting somersaults, folding her arms
for family prayer, chasing dogs, chasing ducks, making friends, obsessing about
babies, pointing at birds ("bees" according to Kaiya), saying new words,
and just being too darn cute!

Why can't time slow down for a couple of months before
she officially becomes a toddler?

Why do they have to grow so fast?!

I guess part of being a mom is learning to love
and embrace the change, even if it goes by entirely
too quickly.

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